Author: Donner Party 10 / Badderhacks.net Year of Release: 2011
Updated: April 20, 2012
Hack Of: Monster Party (U).Nes
Platform: NES
I had such fun playing this hack and I've loved Monster Party ever since Jomb made the editor known as Monster
Rapist so it only makes since that I would proudly host a hack made by a whole team of hackers that included him.
This hack has a pretty bad rap from what I know of it, for having fully erected dicks, nudity, penetration,
butt sex, tranny's, racism, beatdowns, and your momma. lol
However it is a pretty fun and well done complete hack of the game Monster Party. It has all new graphics,
all new levels, all new enemy's, all new playable characters, all new text, basically it changes everything
from the original game. Is it better than Monster Party? Hell Yeah It is!!!